Lee Jung Hyun is back with her 7th album entitled '007th' and I have never really heard of her but since she has been compared to Lady GaGa, I thought I would listen to her album. So, here's my review of her album.
007th Intro - Basically just an intro. It is actually the intro for her MV 'Suspicious Man'. So, the track has the sound of rain, her walking into a pub, the music in the pub, her saying 'Hey Baby', the sound of glass shattering and a gunshot. Finally, the track ends with a 'Bad Boy.' Right. I love introductions to song but this one didn't make the cut. [HATE IT!]
Suspicious Man - I like how this track sounds like. The beginning is pretty upbeat and I like how she kinda screamed, 'I'm back!'. This song may sound a little bit Japanese when it hits the chorus but either than that... Its a pretty catchy song. [LOVE IT!]
Eenie Meenie Minie Moe - Okay, didn't Justin Bieber sing that? Anyway, this song sounds a lot like something Britney Spears would sing. Think 'Womanizer' mix with '3' and that's probably how this song sounds like. But other than that, it is pretty okay but I am not a fan of this song. [HMM.]
Vogue Girl - I didn't really like this song when it started but when it reached the chorus, it was pretty okay. At times, her voice in this song sounds a tad bit annoying but other than that, its another okay song which I am not a fan of. [HMM.]
Come On - I really, really dislike this song the most. She didn't sound very good in this song. Her voice was too high for my liking and the melody wasn't helping at all. At times, I keep thinking that this may be a Japanese girl singing a korean song. Sorry, I just don't like this song. [HATE IT!]
Open - I liked this song a lot. First reason is the melody of the song is nice and it is a slow song! The second reason is, Jung Hyun sounds really nice in this song. If I had to pick which kind of song she should sing, this would be the kind of song I would pick. It fitted her voice and it was pleasing to my ears. [LOVE IT!]
CRAZY - There isn't really much beat in this song that gets me moving to the song. The melody of the song is just not getting to me and she doesn't sound good in this song. Don't like this song either. [HATE IT!]
AVAtar - When I saw the title of this song, I was like, Seriously? Avatar? I get it that her English name is Ava but to name your song Avatar is just strange. But, this song is pretty okay despite its strange, strange name. There is a certain beat to it that is pleasing to the ears and the good thing is that she sounds good. Thank goodness this wasn't the kind of song I was thinking it was which was a song that would come out of the movie, Avatar. [HMM.]
You're Mine - The beginning of this song is pretty okay with the beats here and there but the one thing I didn't like about this song was her voice didn't really suit this song? [HMM.]
2night - Another song that suits her voice. This is a semi-slow tempo song that I find suits her voice alot more which makes listening to her in this song pleasant. [LOVE IT!]
Miro 1 - This track is just creepy for me. In this track, musical box is being wound up and then a melody plays for a few seconds before Jung Hyun is heard humming to the tune. At that point, I was pretty creeped out because this is what I would hear in a scary movie. And, at the last part, she had to laugh which made it even creepier for me. [HATE IT!]
Miro 2 - She starts singing in this one with her first two lines in English before singing it in Korean. And, the melody for this was taken from 'Miro 1'. It sounds a little creepy again but it isn't as bad. As it gets more into the song, it actually starts sounding pretty nice. It makes me feel like I'm in one of those fairy tales with a Prince and I'm dancing with him to this song. But, strangely, I like this song. [LOVE IT!]
I give this album - 7/10
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